--- swagger: "2.0" info: x-ibm-name: card-sandbox title: CARD (Sandbox) version: 1.0.0 description: The CARD API requests the payment registered by the previous checkout using card details inserted by the customer. The response indicates the status of the transaction. Card payments should always use Payment Form (the exception is for fully PCI Compliant Merchants). schemes: - https basePath: /sibs/spg/v1/payments consumes: - application/json - text/plain produces: - application/json - text/plain security: [] x-ibm-configuration: testable: true enforced: true phase: realized paths: /{id}/card/purchase: post: responses: 200: description: 200 OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 400: description: Bad Request. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 401: description: Unauthorized. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 403: description: Forbidden. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 404: description: Not Found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 405: description: Method Not Allowed. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 406: description: Not Acceptable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 408: description: Request Timeout. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 415: description: Unsupported Media Type. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 429: description: Too Many Requests. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 500: description: Internal Server Error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 503: description: Service Unavailable. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' 504: description: Gatewaty Timeout. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ResponsePayment' operationId: purchase parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/input' - $ref: '#/parameters/id' definitions: ActionProcessed: properties: id: type: string type: type: string example: THREEDS_METHOD enum: - THREEDS_METHOD - THREEDS_CHALLENGE - DCC - INSTALLMENTS executed: type: boolean additionalProperties: false ActionReponse: properties: id: type: string type: type: string example: THREEDS_METHOD enum: - THREEDS_METHOD - THREEDS_CHALLENGE - DCC - INSTALLMENTS data: $ref: '#/definitions/Data' description: Depending on informed type related structures are specified below. additionalProperties: false CardInfo: properties: PAN: type: string example: "12312312" secureCode: type: string example: "123" validationDate: type: string format: date-time example: "2031-12-31T00:00:00.000Z" cardholderName: type: string example: Test createToken: type: boolean example: false additionalProperties: false Data: properties: url: type: string params: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Parameter' additionalProperties: false Deviceinfo: properties: browserAcceptHeader: type: string browserJavaEnabled: type: string browserLanguage: type: string browserColorDepth: type: string browserScreenHeight: type: string browserScreenWidth: type: string browserTZ: type: string browserUserAgent: type: string systemFamily: type: string systemVersion: type: string systemArchitecture: type: string deviceManufacturer: type: string deviceModel: type: string deviceID: type: string applicationName: type: string applicationVersion: type: string geoLocalization: type: string ipAddress: type: string browserJavascriptEnabled: type: string additionalProperties: false description: Object that defines the customer device information. ExtendedInfo: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string description: Key value tuple. Info: properties: deviceInfo: $ref: '#/definitions/Deviceinfo' description: Object that defines the customers device predefined information. Check the DeviceInfo definition. customerInfo: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ExtendedInfo' description: Key Value tuple array. additionalProperties: false description: Object that defines the transaction additional information Merchant: properties: terminalId: type: integer example: "21451" description: Merchant terminal id format: int32 channel: type: string description: Merchant channel. example: web merchantTransactionId: type: string description: Id of the transaction in merchant store. example: 863b730df285443f9a60ca404e0085fd1234 additionalProperties: false description: Object that defines a Merchant. Parameter: type: object properties: name: type: string data: type: string additionalProperties: false OneClick: type: object properties: oneClickCreation: type: boolean description: For One Click creation. Indicates if customer requests the One Click Payment creation. The absence indicates the value 'false'. required: - oneClickCreation additionalProperties: false TokenInfo: type: object properties: tokenType: type: string value: type: string secureCode: type: string additionalProperties: false TokenResponse: type: object properties: tokenName: type: string tokenType: type: string value: type: string maskedPAN: type: string expireDate: type: string additionalProperties: false RequestPayment: properties: cardInfo: $ref: '#/definitions/CardInfo' description: Object that defines the card information. Check the CardInfo definition. info: $ref: '#/definitions/Info' description: Object that defines the aditional info provided by the merchant. Check the Info definition. actionProcessed: description: Action to be processed $ref: '#/definitions/ActionProcessed' tokenInfo: $ref: '#/definitions/TokenInfo' oneClick: description: Object that defines a One Click Payment. $ref: '#/definitions/OneClick' additionalProperties: false description: Object that defines the payment operation request fields ResponsePayment: properties: returnStatus: description: 'Describes the status of the request. (Attention: it doesn''t describe the state of the transaction itself).' $ref: '#/definitions/ReturnStatus' transactionID: type: string description: Backend unique identify of the transaction. example: 42f59038f3f14e618d091da8bf3b717e9999 merchant: description: Object that defines the Merchant. Check the Merchant definition. $ref: '#/definitions/Merchant' paymentType: type: string description: Payment type used actionResponse: description: Action to perform $ref: '#/definitions/ActionReponse' tokenResponse: $ref: '#/definitions/TokenResponse' recurringTransaction: description: Provided field to create a recurring transaction. validity Date is the date until is possible to perform recurring transactions over the specified transaction. $ref: '#/definitions/RecurringTransactionOutput' execution: description: Object that defines an Execution. See the Execution definition. example: "" $ref: '#/definitions/Execution' paymentStatus: type: string description: Status of the payment. additionalProperties: false ReturnStatus: properties: statusCode: type: string description: Identifier code of the processed transaction status. example: "000" statusMsg: type: string description: Message of the processed transaction status. example: Success statusDescription: type: string description: Description of the processed transaction status. additionalProperties: false description: 'Describes the status of the request. (Attention: it doesn''t describe the state of the transaction itself).' Execution: properties: startTime: type: string description: Time of the acceptance of the request by the API. format: date-time example: "2020-07-15T12:10:49.131+01:00" endTime: type: string description: Time of the response to the request by the API. format: date-time example: "2020-07-15T12:10:49.131+01:00" additionalProperties: false description: Object that encapsulates technical execution information. RecurringTransactionOutput: properties: status: type: string description: Recurring Transaction outcome. example: Success additionalProperties: false tags: [] parameters: input: name: input required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/RequestPayment' id: name: id type: string required: true in: path x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://site3.sibsapimarket.com/sibs-qly/sibslabs type: - production - development - endpointUrl: https://api.qly.sibspayments.com:11501/sibs-qly/sibslabs type: - production - development - endpointUrl: https://site4.sibsapimarket.com/sibs-qly/sibslabs type: - production - development ...