--- swagger: "2.0" info: version: 1.0.0 title: List of banks x-ibm-name: sibs-addon-aspsp-list-api description: | This is a technical API that returns a list of the the banks adherent to the SIBS API Market service. It provides you with the following information for each of the adherent banks: * Bank Identification (SWIFT BIC) * Bank’s full name * Bank’s code * URL to the bank’s logo * List of APIs supported by the bank This API intends to provide an interface to access the PSD2 List of Banks available at SIBS. The API is designed on a REST model using JSON structures. contact: name: SIBS url: https://www.sibs.pt/psd2 email: example@sibs.pt license: name: Nome da Licença url: http://www.sibs.pt/licença termsOfService: Terms & conditions basePath: / schemes: - https produces: - application/json consumes: - application/json paths: /v1/available-aspsp: get: operationId: availableAspspList tags: - List of available Aspsps summary: List of available Aspsps description: Obtains the list of adherent banks to the SIBS API Market service. parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/TPP-Transaction-ID' - $ref: '#/parameters/TPP-Request-ID' responses: 200: description: OK schema: $ref: '#/definitions/AspspListResponseResource' 400: description: Bad Request. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorMessage' 401: description: Unauthorized. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorMessage' 403: description: Forbidden. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorMessage' 404: description: Not Found. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorMessage' 500: description: Internal Server Error. schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorMessage' definitions: AspspListResponseResource: description: Get the list of Available ASPSP in the service. type: object properties: aspsp-list: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Aspsp' description: Report with the list of supported ASPSPs. Each ASPSP will include the list of available API endpoints and the logo. Aspsp: description: ASP Information type: object properties: id: description: ASPSP Id type: string default: "" bic: description: Bank Identifier Code type: string default: "" bank-code: description: IBAN Bank Identifier type: string default: "" aspsp-cde: description: ASPSP Code to use in the endpoint type: string default: "" name: description: Institution name type: string default: "" logoLocation: description: Bank logo location type: string default: "" api-list: description: Bank Supported API List type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/ApiLink' ApiLink: description: Bank Supported API List type: object properties: consents: description: Consents Link List type: array items: description: Consents Link Item type: string default: "" payments: description: Payments Link List type: array items: description: Payments Link Item type: string default: "" accounts: description: Accounts Link List type: array items: description: Accounts Link Item type: string default: "" balances: description: Balances Link List type: array items: description: Balances Link Item type: string default: "" transaction: description: Transaction Link List type: array items: description: Transaction Link Item type: string default: "" funds-confirmations: description: Funds-Confirmations Link List type: array items: description: Funds-Confirmations Link Item type: string default: "" ErrorMessage: description: Error Information. type: object properties: tppMessages: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessageArray' description: Messages to the TPP on operational issues. additionalProperties: false MessageCode: description: Message error codes. type: string enum: - SERVICE_BLOCKED - CORPORATE_ID_IVALID - CONSENT_UNKNOWN - CONSENT_INVALID - CONSENT_EXPIRED - RESOURCE_UNIKNOWN - RESOURCE_EXPIRED - TIMESTAMP_INVALID - PERIOD_INVALID - SCA_METHOD_UNKKNOWN - TRANSACTION_ID_INVALID - PRODUCT_INVALID - PRODUCT_UNKNOWN - PAYMENT_FAILED - REQUIRED_KID_MISSING - SESSIONS_NOT_SUPPORTED - ACCESS_EXCEEDED - REQUESTED_FORMATS_INVALID - CARD_INVALID - NO_PIIS_ACTIVATION default: SERVICE_BLOCKED TppMessageArray: type: array description: Messages to the TPP on operational issues. items: $ref: '#/definitions/TppMessage' description: Transports additional error information. additionalProperties: false TppMessage: required: - category - code description: Transports additional error information. properties: category: type: string default: "" description: Category of the error. Only "ERROR" or "WARNING" permitted. code: $ref: '#/definitions/MessageCode' description: Message error code. path: type: string default: "" description: Path of the element of the request message which provoked this error message. text: type: string maxLength: 512 default: "" description: Additional explaining text. additionalProperties: false parameters: TPP-Transaction-ID: name: TPP-Transaction-ID in: header description: ID of the transaction, unique to the call, as determined by thinitiating party. required: true type: string format: uuid default: "" TPP-Request-ID: name: TPP-Request-ID in: header description: ID of the request, unique to the call, as determined by the initiating party. required: true type: string format: uuid default: "" x-ibm-configuration: enforced: true testable: true phase: identified securityDefinitions: x-ibm-client-id: type: apiKey description: "" in: header name: X-IBM-Client-Id security: - x-ibm-client-id: [] x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://site2.sibsapimarket.com/sibs/apimarket type: - production - endpointUrl: https://site4.sibsapimarket.com/sibs/apimarket type: - production - development - endpointUrl: https://site1.sibsapimarket.com/sibs/apimarket type: - production - endpointUrl: https://site1.sibsapimarket.com:8444/sibs/apimarket type: - development - endpointUrl: https://site2.sibsapimarket.com:8444/sibs/apimarket type: - development - endpointUrl: https://site3.sibsapimarket.com/sibs/apimarket type: - production - development ...